Friday, October 08, 2004

Now Fear This

Today I was going to have Subway for lunch - but the shop is small and the line long and barely moving when I got there (plus the service sucks, so it's not a very attractive proposition to begin with); I would've had nowhere to sit and am not a fan of eating at the office. So, I looked around and ended up at McDonald's (it's been awhile).

Now, the last time I ate a cheeseburger from McDonald's was at least 8 years ago; probably 10. My dad had taken my brother and I out golfing one morning on an executive course and we were done by the early afternoon. So of course my brother and I whined about being hungry and wanting some food; this particular course was near a McDonald's and though at the time I hated the place my dad let my brother choose - so we drove through and I got some double-cheeseburger thing. It almost made me sick - not through food poisoning, but just through flavor. Since then I have not touched any beef from any McDonald's and only in the last year have given their chicken a try when convenience outweighed taste. Or laziness.

So anyways, today I decided to give a burger a shot - and it wasn't bad. Certainly as good as the Burger King junk I had a few weeks ago and the Wendy's/Carl's stuff I barely remember from months ago. Of course it doesn't hold a candle to In-n-Out, but I was truly surprised that the food was decent.

I'm a little scared of these recent discoveries - first that the chicken tastes ok and now that the burger's aren't bad. I've avoided any McDonald's since being a little kid and's..not so bad. And yes, I've read Fast Food Nation, My Year of Meats (a work of fiction based on heavy research - you probably haven't read it but it's a great read) and seen Super Size Me. But having read Michael Fumento's Science Under Siege and being naturally skeptical I am not so quick to join the 'processed food is scary' believers. (Science Under Siege explains, with volumes of citations of research to back it up, how so many things we take for granted as being horribly dangerous to us actually are not)

McDonald's is a far stretch from what I'd call a good meal, but if I'm in a hurry I know I can at least pop in and get something quick.


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