Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Every Secret Thing

The other day I actually clicked on one of those BlogSnob blogs that get displayed over on the right under the 'Random blogs' header. BlogSnob randomly displays 2 blogs of other people in the system. It's free; kinda neat. Not a show-stopper by any stretch though, especially because now they toss in an ad every now and then (the guy running it has to make $$ somehow).

Anyways, after clicking through linked sites I came across one mentioning some great book. All I can find now are the reviews linked from that one blog, but I've now picked up Every Secret Thing by Laura Lippman and it's starting out pretty well - it's been awhile since I've read a good mystery. It's gotten good reviews.

If you read the reviews, you'll see this isn't a happy story. I'm already getting a feel for the characters; their lives are all sad but while normally that would disinterest me I'm very much drawn in right now.

Every Secret Thing - Paperback cover - from Amazon
Posted by Hello


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