Sunday, September 26, 2004

MP3 ID3 Tag Editor

One of the first things I noticed when using my new Karma is that my years of ignoring the ID3 tags on my MP3s has made for a very difficult experience. The Karma pulls song information only from tags, so all of my songs with blank tags show up in the Karma's database only as their filename - it can't figure out what the song title or artist is just from the filename.

This pretty much sucks for wanting to play a specific album or music by an artist or even a specific song - seeing a list full of 'Track 01's is less than helpful.

MP3 Book Helper - shot taken from their site
Posted by Hello

So I headed to SourceForge, my new best friend, and quickly found a program called MP3 Book Helper. This thing is wonderful (and it works on more than just mp3s, you ogg folk)! The program is daunting in its complication, but a little time spent playing around, looking at the popup descriptions of icons and reading the help had me rolling quite nicely. In the past half hour I've gotten a few dozen albums cleaned up - tags derived from path and filenames (love this!) and then filenames better derived back from the tags. It will look up information from the freedb cd database, which can be helpful when you're not sure of album information. The program lets you preview your changes as well as undo them, which is very nice for when I accidentally leave a tag field set for change that I didn't want changing. Basically, this can do anything you can imagine relating to tagging your music.

What a great find.


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